MyWays helps you define success in your school. But you don't have to take our word for it.

With MyWays, you can redesign your school to catalyze powerful, deep learning. Listen to educators in the MyWays Community of Practice describe the mindset shifts they are making as they design learning, assessment, school operating habits, and community culture around a broader, deeper definition of student success. When you embrace these mindsets about schooling, you will be on the path to success in your redesign efforts.

Explore these mindsets below.


Students are agents of their learning. Teachers are agents of their craft.

Educators who have a mindset that honors agency avoid delivering content and products and instead encourage creation and deep engagement, for their students and themselves.


Learners are complex humans. Learning is a complex activity.

Educators who have a mindset that “holds the whole” recognize that human development is interconnected; learning is personal, social, and interdisciplinary; and assessment is a dialogue.


Every place and every school is unique, shaped by its history, culture, and community.

Educators who have a mindset that invites the community value the insights of students, parents, teachers, and partners about the kind of community they want and the local resources available to help students build it.


Today’s youth are growing up in an age of constant, rapid change. It is their reality and needs to be ours as well.

Educators who have a mindset that embraces change focus on continuously adjusting and improving their students’ learning experience to life’s changing realities.


Learning is a courageous act that is exciting and at times uncomfortable.

Educators who have a mindset that risks vulnerability are open to the stumbles, hiccups, and the joys of their own learning and the learning of students.