The MyWays Student Success Series

What Learners Need to Thrive in a World of Change

Research and practice converge to create the foundation for MyWays. Go deep with Next Generation Learning Challenges in our effort to synthesize a broader, deeper definition of student success: success for learning, working, and living in the fast-changing world facing today's youth. Access, download, and share the series with your educator colleagues and fellow school designers. For additional support to adopt MyWays, engage with NGLC Services.


introduction and Overview

This report summarizes the four big questions challenging public education and covers the 25 frameworks that informed the MyWays Student Success Framework. (3MB)

Visual Summary

A different kind of Executive Summary. This report pulls together the big ideas from the MyWays Student Success Series and displays them in graphics and images. (7.5MB)


Explore the MyWays Student Success Series, organized into three parts, below.

Opportunity & Work

Economic, tech, and globalization forces are accelerating, and the gap in opportunity is growing. These challenges require a powerful—and specific—K-12 response. (4MB)

5 Career Roadblocks

Employers are less willing to invest in young talent, dismissing potential in favor of experience, or making a tech investment. Young people need an opportunity engine to build a career. (4MB) 

5 Work/Learn Decisions

What to do after high school? A shaky job market, rising college costs, more options, and an uncertain future raise the stakes for these decisions about working and learning. (5MB)


5 Social Capital Essentials

Students need to get outside of the school walls to build social connections with role models and mentors, close friends and loose networks. (5.5MB)


Many young people are unprepared for the realities of our world of change, but the adolescent years are ripe with opportunity to get ready for learning, work, and life. (3MB)


Data Digest

This companion to Report 3, a data digest of today's evolving work/learn landscape, is coming soon. 


Reports 1–5 are available in one file (15MB) 

How we work now is nothing like how we worked ten years ago; how our students will work in ten years will be nothing like how we work now. Given this incredible pace of change, how do we prepare them for what doesn’t yet exist? We grow them as humans—as curious, confident, empathetic, agile beings who are always on the learn. And to that we add some superhuman: digital, bio, robo, nanotechnology that lets them take on any challenge (and we have plenty!) that comes their way.
— Sujata Bhatt, Boston Public Schools


The MyWays Student Success Framework organizes 20 competencies into 4 domains: this is what success looks like in an "age of accelerations." (2MB)

habits of success

Habits of Success lead the way in the MyWays definition of student success because they allow students to own their learning and be more effective in life. (2MB)

creative know how

Creative Know How is a more agile take on "21st century skills," the kind of know how learners need to solve the complex problems of learning, work, and life. (2.5MB)


Content Knowledge

Don't be fooled. Content Knowledge is more than a traditional curriculum. It's about big understandings and applying them in the real-world. (2MB)

Wayfinding abilities

In our accelerating world, finding your way after high school requires the skills of successful entrepreneurs, designing a life of learning and work. (2.5MB)


Reports 6–10 are available in one file (9MB)

“We have continued to champion the importance of embracing a broader definition of student success than what has been handed to us by state and national policy. While we believe that it is essential for all students to be proficient in math, literacy, and the sciences, we believe that that is not enough.”
— Jeff Heyck-Williams, Two Rivers Public Charter School


Let's get real. Today's youth need to integrate thinking skills and real-world abilities. MyWays offers 3 essential learning constructs that will change the learning experience. (5MB)


Assessment across the MyWays domains is a challenge, but 5 strategies extend the learning by "holding the whole" and being true to real-world demands. (4MB)


Reports 11–12 are available in one file (9MB)

“I strongly believe that if we are to achieve our mission of preparing every student to be successful in college, career and life, they need to become self-directed learners. It is beginning to happen, student by student, when they are ready and in their own way.”
— Diane Tavenner, Summit Public Schools
“Assessment can be a powerful force for knowing our students.”
— Andrew Miller, Instructional Coach, Consultant, and Learner

We want to hear from you

Is your community already thinking about redefining student success? What aspects of MyWays are of greatest interest? Please use this form to let us know what you are excited about; how you plan to use the MyWays Student Success Series; or what support you need. 


Top photo by PeopleImages
Adolescence photo by Andrew F. Kazmierski
Competencies photo by Redd Angelo
Redesigning photo used with permission from Project Lead The Way