A Deeper Look at Content Knowledge

NGLC's Kristen Vogt takes a close look at the MyWays report, Content Knowledge — For the Life Students WIll Lead, to share with educators how Content Knowledge has to change in terms of both depth and breadth, and how exciting it can be to innovate in this MyWays competency domain.

Even while broadening and deepening the field's understanding of student success, however, the MyWays framework holds content knowledge right up there alongside the other competency domains. And our team's research has led to some important considerations when it comes to content knowledge. Considerations that are just as crucial to deeper learning as the work going on across the other domains.  

What's New about Content Knowledge

MyWays authors Grace Belfiore and Dave Lash write, "Whether core math or English, the sciences or the arts, to assume the new goal-line content knowledge looks like traditional curriculum would be to overlook critical changes in the nature of the knowledge competencies that today's students need."

In other words, this is not the content knowledge you learned when you went to school.

This article appeared on Education Week on November 30, 2017.