Exercise Three

Map your learning design to your community’s definition of success and whole game learning. These tools help you answer the big question: How can your learning experience design help students develop the broader, deeper competencies?



Step-by-step instructions for using the tools in Exercise Three.


Course Three

Design learning for a changing world

In this scaffolded, self-paced, and open online course, you will design (or redesign) a project or other powerful learning experience that embraces the full range of MyWays competencies that students need and deserve, including planning for authentic and varied assessments for learning.

NGLC and 2Revolutions partnered to create the course within the Learn Next experience hub. The course is available by creating a free account.


The Real-World Learning Toolkit

Use this toolkit to design learning using the Wider Learning Ecosystem, one of three MyWays learning constructs. These tools help you extend learning beyond a school building to provide learners with authentic, real-world learning experiences aligned to the MyWays Student Success Framework.

Toolkit Resources


additional resources

"Be Courageous" Professional Learning Workshops

NGLC offers customized School Design Institutes, Learning Excursions, and MyWays workshop modules for teams of courageous district staff, school leaders, instructional coaches, and teacher-leaders.

Check out some more MyWays resources that relate to the LEARN question.