Where Place-Based Ed Fits Into NGLC’s Fields of Learning — NGLC MyWays

Where Place-Based Ed Fits Into NGLC’s Fields of Learning

Teton Science School's Nate McClennen is taken with the MyWays Field of Learning and Wider Learning Ecosystem, and suggests two additions to move these constructs forward: a third "learner-centered" axis for the Field of Learning, and community-generated learning for the Wider Learning Ecosystem.

As 2017 comes to a close, momentum continues to build towards next-gen models that embody a more personalized, more connected, and more relevant learning experience for all students. In this vein, Next Generation Learning Challenge just released the final two reports in their 12 part MyWays Student Success Series. The entire report digs deeply into the emerging next-generation learner experience and is a wealth of resources and connections, but what struck me as particularly relevant was their work on Fields of Learning and the Wider Ecosystem, and how these elements repeatedly point to the need to build learner engagement and agency in equitable and impactful ways.

This article appeared on Getting Smart on November 21, 2017.
