Research brief from Transcend Education relies heavily on MyWays research

Defining Graduate Aims: A Collection of Research and Resources for Design Teams is a research brief produced by Transcend Education. It was created to help school leaders define and center their learning communities on a clear, future-focused set of learning outcomes. It helps educators answer the "Learning Agenda Question:"

What learning outcomes will best prepare students to thrive in and transform the 21st century?

The authors note that their review of existing outcome frameworks was "heavily influenced" by the research behind the MyWays Student Success Framework, which itself synthesizes 25 frameworks. The research brief also references the MyWays tools as valuable resources to help educators create "assessable" aims (i.e., learning outcomes).

Learn more about the research behind MyWays and the 25 frameworks that informed the MyWays framework in the Introduction and Overview of the MyWays Student Success Series.